Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jp Morgan Chase and Company

In 2002, JP Morgan signed a seven-year outsourcing arrangement with IBM, worth 5 billion dollars. This deal included data centres, help desks, distributed computing, and data and voice networks. JP Morgan viewed this agreement with IBM as a competitive advantage that would serve as a platform for efficient growth and innovation. It was an attempt to further enhance the performance of the company, while reducing their costs. However, two years later, JP Morgan announced the premature ending of their contract. JP Morgan ended the outsourcing deal with IBM, claiming that it caused technological stagnation in their operations.Apparently, IBM refused to take on tasks without additional charge, particularly necessary improvements to the system. This structure lengthened certain procedures, and as result, projects sat idle and processes were stalled. Another reason behind the deal cancellation was internal organizational changes. JP Morgan merged with Bank One, which has cancelled a similar deal with IBM a few years earlier. With the combined resources and technology of the banks, management reassessed its capability of managing its core information systems, and realized that the IBM deal was no longer necessary.JP Morgan Chase and Co. wanted to leverage on the assets it acquired from Bank One, including a $500 million investment in data centers. Also, ending the deal would mean saving the margins paid on hardware and software purchased through IBM, as the size of the newly merged bank would enable it to negotiate better bargains with suppliers – JP Morgan Chase and Co. , after that time, emerged as the second largest financial conglomerate next to Citigroup. Analysts believed that the primary catalyst for the back sourcing was the change in leadership.Many of the key officers of Bank One took over JP Morgan Chase and Co. by holding the same positions that they had in the former. Some of these were CEO James Dimon and CIO Adam Austin. As emphasized by Austin, t he new management wanted to have greater involvement in every aspect of their business, and IT is an important part of it. In fact, Dimon, being in the industry for years, had made a reputation of investing in internal strategies, which explains why experts were not really surprised by the premature death of the IBM contract. ANALYSIS AND CRITIQUEGiven the different scenarios that happened, it is necessary to focus on the impact of the outsourcing and backsourcing deals of the company, and deducing which arrangement is better for the company. The Impact of Outsourcing JP Morgan Chase’s contract with IBM is said to be one of the largest outsourcing deal on record. However, this 5 billion-worth of contract was only in its second year when JP Morgan opted to end its supposed-to-be-7-years relationship with IBM. Apparently, the outsourcing deal hugely affected the operations of the company.First of all, outsourcing had a negative impact on the effectiveness on some key processes of the bank. Things that used to get done no longer got done. In just a short span of time, instead of improving the company’s productivity, the outsourcing deal had caused so much delay. Among the projects not getting done were server migrations, data center upgrades, and network patches. Corollary to that, even in office supply procurement, there were also delays. It even reached the point where project managers had to go and buy their own reams of paper.Secondly, there were vague contract details in the agreement between JP Morgan and IBM. As a result, whenever there is a need to make improvements and updates, IBM had to charge extra fees to the bank. Thus, every additional improvement in the system entailed additional costs. Because of the bank’s resistance to pay for extra but often necessary improvements, JP Morgan’s innovation and efficiency in its information technology was compromised. Thirdly, to implement the outsourcing deal, JP Morgan had to lay off 4000 employees, which lead to a drop in employee morale.With the loss of job security, employees lost their trust in management. Employees refused to commit to any project, and started to slack off. As a result, a lot of work were not getting done, which led to a decrease in the productivity of the company. The Impact of Backsourcing In the light of the shortcomings of the outsourcing deal and the implications of the merger with Bank One, JP Morgan opted to backsource. Bringing their IT back in-house also had huge effects in the company. Firstly, employee morale remained low. Many were resentful that the reasons why management outsourced- i. e. o gain competitive advantage, to improve efficiency, and to accelerate innovation- were also the reasons why they backsourced. As a result, they lost trust in the honesty and soundness of management’s judgment. Job security was still an issue, as more layoffs occurred, not only because of the backsourcing arrangement, but also because of the merger of the two banks. Some employees reapplied for their jobs, but were paid with less than 20% of their original salaries. With such a low morale, productivity in the company dropped, employees were reluctant to commit to projects, and more work piled up.Secondly, the company spent twice the cost of reorganization: that is, they had a huge capital outlay to support an outsourcing deal, then incurred another set of expenditures to reverse those actions and set up a backsourced environment. Outsourcing costs incurred by JP Morgan are mainly due to the huge consultation fees for process reengineering. They also invested in counselling and retention bonuses to retain the employees through the transition period. As JP Morgan backsourced IT, they incurred huge losses for prematurely ending the contract.Moreover, the changes made in outsourcing were done all over again in reverse. With that, they had to spend twice for the costs of reorganization. They had to re establish all t heir systems, staffs, operating procedures, organizational structure, and corporate strategies. Fortunately, JP Morgan was able to capitalize on the $1 billion investment of BankOne in its own information system. Finally, in moving from an outsourcing deal to a backsourced environment, JP Morgan had to deal with organizational disruption. Management had to reengineer their processes and make huge readjustments in their systems and operations.Organizational responsibilities were redefined, and management completely reversed how things were done. Outsourcing Vs Backsourcing When JP Morgan prematurely ended their contract with IBM, the CEO said, â€Å"We believe managing our own technology infrastructure is best for the long-term growth and success of our company, as well as our shareholders. Our new capabilities will give us competitive advantages, accelerate innovation, and enable us to become more streamlined and efficient. † However, these were the same reasons that manageme nt gave when they entered the outsourcing deal.So the question is: which would provide greater benefits for the company – outsourced operations, or a backsourced environment? The main reason why companies outsource is to be able to focus on their core activities. Many businesses have generic functions such as phone reception and customer service. When these generic functions are outsourced, companies may focus on their key processes. Outsourcing would also lead to efficiency and cost savings, as overhead expenditure are reduced. Outsourcing can also provide operational control as poorly managed functions are provided by companies like IBM who are better in these areas.However, according to the studies of Deloitte Consulting, 70 percent of companies that outsource report significant negative experiences with their outsourcing projects. Apparently, outsourcing has a number of limitations and weaknesses. The most common issue is the loss of control when the management of certain functions is turned over to another company. The outsourcing company may lose the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Additionally, the quality of the service provided may not meet expectations, because the service provider is not driven by the same standards as its outsourcer.Service providers simply aim to meet the conditions of the contract, and not necessarily strive to provide the needs of the outsourcing company. Consequently, outsourcers incur more costs as they modify the terms of the contract, or as they settle for an inadequate system. With the said problems of outsourcing, companies may resort to backsourcing their operations. Nonetheless, in the aforementioned study by Deloitte Consulting, only 25 percent of the companies that had problems with outsourcing brought IT back in-house.The difficulty in backsourcing can be traced to the high costs of reorganization and the organizational disruption during the transition period. However there are a numerous be nefits of having an in-house system. Firstly, management would have complete control in their operations. This leads to greater flexibility, since changes in operations could be implemented more easily. Secondly, management could also control the quality of the operational functions of the company, by setting their standards of performance in their workforce.Finally, they would be able to avoid the need for ongoing renegotiations and the high recurring costs of modifications. The decision whether to outsource or insource should mainly depend on the processes of a company. Organizations may outsource processes that do not fall under their main competencies, or non-core processes that consumes much of their resources. This would save them time, effort, and manpower, while enabling management to focus on the company’s strengths and core operations. On the other hand, it may be more advantageous to insource specialized processes that are impractical to outsource like Research and Development.Moreover, as in the case of JP Morgan, it is better to insource because the company can actually provide better services at lower costs in-house, with the facilities of the acquired bank – Bank One – readily available for JP Morgan’s use. PHILIPPINE SETTING A similar case in the Philippines is the agreement between Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) and International Business Machines (IBM). In 2004, GSIS began migrating to a new computerized system, with an IBM DB2 software designed to manage all data pertaining to members’ and pensioners accounts.GSIS claimed that it spent around P40 million for the DB2 software and IBM P-series servers. Unfortunately, in March and April 2009, the database software encountered a problem with the pension firm’s Integrated Loans, Membership, Acquired Assets and Accounts Management System (ILMAAAMS). The ILMAAAMS, which ran on IBM’s DB2 database software, reportedly crashed because of the vast amount of transactions made by GSIS members, composed of about 1. 5 million government employees and 200,000 pensioners. This translates to about 3 million records on file coming from 8,000 agencies nationwide, simultaneously.According to GSIS, about 90% of its operations were adversely affected by the crash, which resulted to approximately Php5 billion in actual damages. The company blamed IBM for the disruptions, accusing the latter of supplying defective database software. GSIS filed a Php100 million legal case against IBM Philippines, who in turn filed a Php200 million libel suit against the GSIS for its series of negative advertisements against them, both in print and broadcast media. In November 2009, GSIS started migrating to the HP – Oracle System and was able to complete the process in just six weeks.At present, the legal war between GSIS and IBM continues. Recommendations: Outsourcing is a double edge sword. It could either benefit a company or it can also cos t that company a lot. Thus, many things need to be considered in choosing between outsourcing and the more traditional in-sourcing. Therefore, the situation of JP Morgan Chase and Co. could have gone on a better way if they just prepared and improved on certain aspects as follows: The negotiations with IBM should have contained certain terms which could possibly mitigate the risks involved in their contract.First, the contract negotiations should have had clarified the terms and limitations of both parties. Having clearer terms and limitations will help both parties adjust to different situations and formulate the right solutions to the problems that may arise. There should also be better preparation, a set plan of action and a ready exit strategy. Also, JP Morgan Chase and Co. should have asked for flexibility in the technology, the outsourcing partner uses. They should have specified that the process or technology should fit or, at the very least, work hand in hand with the busine ss’s existing processes.There should also be a stipulation regarding review points to allow the relationship to change or end. JP Morgan Chase and Co. should consider that contracts have shared elements of both risk and reward. Greater risks entail more rewards precisely why JP Morgan should strike a balance between these two. It should perform different analysis tools in order to weigh alternatives more accurately. This, in turn, will help the company decide what projects to perform and which deals to enter. For example in the case of JP Morgan, short-term outsourcing contracts benefit the company better than long-term contracts.In some cases, it could be a good mix of short-term and long-term contracts as determined by the nature of the contract that will provide the best rewards for the company. Essentially, it is a matter of being able to correctly judge and weigh alternatives that will yield the best results. ———————â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Finally, the company should learn how to value its most important asset, the people. It should have been more honest and open with the employees about matters affecting the situation and condition of the company.Being the most important asset of the company, human capital or employees should have been more involved in instances like this. As a summary, the following are the key points to be remembered from the JP Morgan and Chase experience: 1. For financial intermediaries in particular, outsourcing is not recommended. Outsourcing was a trend for many industries, especially in late 80’s until the early 90’s. This provides organizations the chance to concentrate on their core competencies by having their IT functions off shored.Much of the stories with regard to this business trend were written on the earlier years of the deal, stories on the implementation years however, remain scarce. A company has to consider how it will ultimately affect its operations before jumping in the outsourcing bandwagon. Financial intermediaries in particular would be better off without outsourcing as the latter adversely affects performance of the company, particularly its capability to innovate and be efficient which takes a toll on the totality of the organization’s performance. 2.Backsourcing is not for everyone. In a company where the latest data are the most crucial, it is recommended for them to keep their IT functions in house, especially in the case of JPMC where they had all necessary infrastructures ready for their IT functions. Departmental functions once outsource will incur twice the expenses if brought back once again to the company. Backsourcing is not a one size fits all solution rather it depends on the company’s available resources that determines its capability to bring in the IT functions again. 3. Negotiate shorter dealsShorter deals promote flexibility which proves to be the most important factor missing in the JPMC situation. Albeit more expensive, this provides companies less expensive solutions and exit strategies in case deals go awry. 4. Always remember the value of employees The outsourcing and insourcing juggle brought down the morale of many of the employees. What the company failed to see was the fact that this constituted much of the intangible costs incurred. 5. Remember to weigh alternatives carefully. Organizations often overlook or ignore the relationship between cost and quality of service.The relationship is a simple one. If you want to differentiate your IT service, provide the highest quality service and the highest quality products, it generally costs more. If the decision is IT costs too much, it is relatively straightforward to reduce IT costs, but commensurately you also reduce service. † (Hirschiem, 1998) Higher expectations, particularly in IT lead to higher costs. More than just following the current trends in t he industry, determining what to do with departmental functions involve planning and weighing alternatives carefully.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Helicopter Parent

A helicopter parent may have good intentions, but his or her interference could make their child's life much more difficult in the long run. Today, there is an increase in the number of helicopter parents. The term â€Å"helicopter parent† defines the behavior of parents who seem just a tad too involved in their child's day-to-day life. We all understand that parents would do everything to keep their children out of harm's way, but sometimes, this desire can become an unhealthy obsession that can actually hurt their kids. At times I question myself, will the next generation of young people be able to actually think for themselves? Children of helicopter parents can become too dependent of their paternities. It is a very common factor in the Palauan society for parents to help their children with their bills, giving them money, babysitting, and even to the degree of buring their groceries and cleaning their homes. It is a very touchy subject to some as they feel pity for their children and want the best for them but at times it seems to get out hand. Those who constantly protect their children from any disappointment only decreases the child's chance of self-empowerment and growth as they mature. With helicopter parents, time may be more consumed with exaggerated observance and calming themselves down rather than helping their children to be self-reliant and independent. Allowing your children to fail and having them test their limits is the least a parent can do for their kids. In this way, a child can be more resourceful, productive, and become an independent learner, or acquires knowledge through his or her own efforts. Lack of confidence is also an effect of helicopter parenting. Parents who are overly involved and overly hovering around a child is a sign that the parents themselves are very anxious. Children can sense and pick up their parent's anxiety and become anxious themselves. When this happens, a child usually becomes instantly sad, isolated, or depressed. Either way, it brings a child to an unhappy place. Anxiety among your adults has significantly grown in recent years, some have turned depressed or even sick. Though this happens at home when the child lives with his or her parents, it occurs after they leave home as well. When parents guide their children in everything they do, they do not have the chance to show what they are capable of. As they mature, it will only make it difficult for them to make their own decisions as they are used to having someone around telling them what to do. They are also very much terrified of taking risks especially if it is something that is not common to them. Something as simple as, â€Å"You can do this† or â€Å"I'm so proud of you† can encourage a child and help them build their confidence. Believing in someone is simply letting them do what they know instead of being by their side the whole time telling them what to do and what not to do.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Web site design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Web site design - Essay Example Customers engage personally with the company through making their orders online. As such, they can specify the exact requirements of their order, i.e. the color, flavor, taste and type of the Pizzas they want through the online platform, just as simply as making an order at a brick and mortar restaurant. This web site enabled PizzaHut to transform significantly from operating as a Quick Serve Restaurant (QSR) to an elevated online retailer providing convenience and efficiency to its customers. Once the customers make an order through the website, the company takes upon the duty of delivering their orders at their preferred premises within the stipulated times (Butler, 2012). Several elements of website design exist that a company should incorporate in order to make its website a success. As such, also had to engage these in developing its site. These include the website context, the website content, the website customization, the website communications, the website commerce, website communities on site, and the website connection designs elements. incorporates all these elements in a great deal. For instance, the website context provides its customers with the ability to make online purchases and order without necessarily having to go to the restaurants. The website content is rich enough to enable the customers make an informed purchase, i.e. includes offers of the day, special deals and promotional campaigns hosted by the company. Website customization enables clients to customize their orders according to their tastes and preferences, such as express checkout and movie night offers. In addition, website communications come with ease of using the site, i.e. its color, style and appearance, thereby enabling shoppers to do easy shopping. Website commerce supports the business wing of the company enabling shoppers to make purchases through various applications such as on Facebook, on twitter, on iPhones and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The possible use of ethanol as a replacement for petrol Essay

The possible use of ethanol as a replacement for petrol - Essay Example Ethanol is a type of alcohol that can be made using crops such as sugar beets, wheat or corn. As a fuel additive, ethanol boosts octane and substantially reduces toxic carbon monoxide emissions. Ethanol is not necessarily less expensive to produce than gasoline and would not be cost competitive without government incentives, but proponents of the alternative fuel point to other reasons to produce and utilize it. "It could be profitable for farmers to grow bio-fuels [at a time of high oil prices]. The market for bio-fuels such as ethanol is driven by the need for security of the energy supply and the recognition that greenhouse gas emissions are causing global warming,† said Margaret Beckett, environment secretary (Harvey, 2005). Ethanol has been demonstrated that it has a less severe impact on the environment than standard petrol as it releases carbon dioxide (CO2) when burned rather than carbon monoxide. As it expels fewer pollutants than petrol, it is also less dangerous to public health. Because the ethanol molecule contains oxygen, it allows the engine to more completely combust the fuel, resulting in fewer emissions. Most cars can run very well with up to 10 perc ent of low-emissions ethanol mixed in with their fuel. Doing so can also improve engine performance. From the economic point of view, it is thought to be good for the development of disadvantaged rural areas by promoting agriculture and manufacturing industries which creates jobs. â€Å"Furthermore it can help to reduce the dependence on oil imports and it may be regarded as a means to promote advances in biotechnology, particularly if one thinks of all the research that is going on in the biomass-to-ethanol sector. Ethanol has been promoted because it has a positive net energy balance that means that the energy contained in a tonne of ethanol is greater than the energy required to produce

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy - Essay Example with undetectable HIV RNA levels, elective Caesarean section was associated with a 90% reduction in MTCT risk (odds ratio, 0.10; 95% CI, 0.030.33), compared with vaginal delivery or emergency Caesarean section. Conclusions.The results suggest that offering an elective Caesarean section delivery to all HIV-infected women, even in areas where HAART is available, is appropriate clinical management, especially for persons with detectable viral loads. Our results also suggest that previously identified risk factors remain important. (Source : European Collaborative Study). Several currently available drugs are under further development, the most important goals being the reduction of pill burden, easier dosing and less side effects. Three such preparations to have recently entered the market are Invirase 500, Truvada and Kivexa. New improvements are being developed; licensing applications for some of these are already in progress. Gilead and BMS are working on a combination pill of FTC, tenofovir and efavirenz. However, it will be some time before this so far one-off co-operation bears fruit. With increasing numbers of HIV-infected pregnant women receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART),1 concerns have been raised over the possible teratogenic effects related to exposure in early pregnancy. It has been reported that a .4% prevalence of congenital abnormalities in uninfected infants exposed to antiretroviral therapy (ART; mainly monotherapy and/or dual therapy), which is similar to that seen in those not exposed. It has not been proven that whether risk of congenital abnormalities is increased by first-trimester exposure or by use of HAART, but there is an additional risk of antenatal use of HAART during...N Engl J Med 1996, 335:1081-90. 16. Mocroft A, Katlama C, Johnson AM, et al. AIDS across Europe, 1994-98: the EuroSIDA study. Lancet 2000, 356:291-6. Perelson AS, Neumann AU, Markowitz M, Leonard JM, Ho DD. HIV-1 dynamics in vivo: virion clearance rate, infected cell life-span, and viral generation time. Science 1996, 271:1582-6. 18. Volberding PA, Lagakos SW, Koch MA, et al. Zidovudine in asymptomatic HIV infection. A controlled trial in persons with fewer than 500 CD4-positive cells per cubic millimeter. N Engl J Med 1990, 322:941-9.

Poverty in Canada Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Poverty in Canada - Research Proposal Example Most of the Canadians dwelling in the prosperous cities like Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver are very proud of their wealth and business opportunities. But this is not the real case projected, as it has been noticed that it is amongst such prospering and flourishing communities where the staggering amounts of poverty exists. New learnings show that Canada's urban areas are facing a rise in the problems as homelessness, drug abuse, child poverty, unaffordable basic day to day needs etc. The phenomenon of poverty is always interrelated to political, social and cultural dimensions. But the most important missing point is the lack of government income supports. The evidences of this can be seen in the efforts of World Vision Canada, "taking steps to put global poverty on the Canadian federal election agenda". (1) The two objectives are the main concern of the upcoming elections in Canada, to be put by the organization. The first is that the government of Canada must make concrete investments in combating child morality. And another one is that the government should increase the Overseas Development Assistance to 0.7% of the Gross National Income, as promised previously. These are the clear evidences of the prevailing problem of poverty in Canada. The truth is that the total eradication of poverty requires "not only the political action but also the deeper social, economic and cultural transformation". (2). Similar is the call for self-responsibility. My project explores the dimensions of poverty in Canada, response to poverty including policy change as well as societal transformation. It also includes the missing as well as prevalent resources and the access to them. (2) Ending Poverty in Canada. Economic Justice Report. Volume 4, Number 2. June 2005. It has been rightly stated in 'Evangelical Fellowship of Canada' that, "No matter what our social places or tasks, individuals and groups can address poverty. For example, journalists can report on the causes, extent and solutions for poverty; business people can address employment issues; schools and teachers can help address poverty and learning. Whatever the unique task of each institution, however, all can aim to sustain life, reverse the cycle of poverty, and help prevent further poverty." Assumptions Before any of the research work conducted by me there were a few assumptions in mind regarding the issue of poverty in Canada. The first assumption was that I thought that the poverty cropped in the small cities of Canada as the big ones as Vancouver and Montreal seemed quite flourishing and advanced having great wealth. But as per my research, it has been noted that many of the people are left behind while the rich keep accumulating the wealth. And the poverty is "increased throughout" and "more so in metropolitan areas" which constitutes a more serious problem. (3) (3) Lee. Kevin K. Urban Poverty in Canada: A statistical Profile. Chapter 6.April 2000. My second assumption was about the active participation of the government on the issue of pove

Friday, July 26, 2019

Health and Wellness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health and Wellness - Essay Example My recognition and awareness of maintaining good health has been shaped, to a great extent, by my teachers at school and parents at home. They have influenced my perceptions of health along with inculcating in me the seriousness required in maintaining personal hygiene and a healthy diet. In addition, my experience of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome has also helped in shaping my perceptions of health and wellness. After being diagnosed with this disease, I started caring more about myself, thinking less about issues in life that worried me, controlling my anger and sharing my feelings with others. Indeed, I started focusing more on the kind and amount of food I ate after being diagnosed with this disease. For example, I used to eat a lot of fast food prior to this disease which could have contributed to my ill health. However, soon I became proactively involved in developing healthy habits, including giving up on fast food, with the help of my support network. Moreover, one of the major individuals who have influenced me a lot when it comes to maintaining good health is my father. Despite being diagnosed with diabetes and high cholesterol and having suffered a heart attack, my father was sustain himself through these times and, in the process, learnt how to control his ill health rather than being control by it. He has started to exercise on a daily basis and play different kind of sports such as tennis, horse riding and volley ball. He also eats whatever food he feels like eating.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bob Knowlton Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bob Knowlton - Case Study Example From tniks study it is clear that Bob should have been adequately prepared for the changes within the organization. Jerrold should have had communication with Bob outside of the work setting and possibly identified Bob's emotional problem with Fester. Communication between Bob and Jerrold was always focused on work and tasks that limited bob's ability to express his discomfort about Fester to Jerrold.As the discussion stresses it is important for members of staff to be involved in team building activities. Before Fester's arrival, the members of the lab did not have team building activities. Emphasis was put on tasks at the lab, and there was no cohesiveness between the staff. The relationships of the staff do not exist outside of the workplace, and this hinders the interpersonal development between the individuals of the group. As a result, the individuals of the group do not feel empowered, and this is worsened by the arrival of Fester. The group members feel that Fester is getting preferential treatment by Jerrold. Jerrold, on the other hand, does not efficiently communicate the role he has planned for Fester, leaving Bob feeling undermined and threatened as the leader of the lab.  Jerrold's passive leadership does not adequately prepare members of the lab for a change. Before Fester's arrival, Bob feels empowered and a valued member of the lab.  Bob was not aware of Fester's hiring and is taken by surprise. He was neither informed nor prepared for this change.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

End-Stage Renal Disease Facilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

End-Stage Renal Disease Facilities - Essay Example This paper will examine resources that might assist a health consultant consulting for these ESRD facilities, and how they may benefit the facility and its patients. Health information consultants might have a daunting task of consulting for ESRD facilities. This is because; every facility may have its own program through which its daily operations are run. However, there are main resources that ensure that all facilities work toward achieving their main objectives. One of the resources that may ensure these objectives are met includes the allocation of tasks and duties among the caregivers in the facility. As an operating facility that caters to ailing patients, it is imperative that there is the proper coordination of tasks among all staff members (Peden, 2011). By establishing the means of accountability, it is likely that the facility may enjoy the benefits of catering to all patients without having to overwork their staff. The expenditure in the facility may prove to be a valuable resource in modern times. This resource is vital for any organization that is keen on taking care of sick folks. Through the proper authorization of expenditure and capital in accordance with the facility’s policies and regulations, there might be the protection of the facility’s capital. They might prevent or reduce expenses they had not budgeted for through such techniques. Furthermore, the facility’s policies may guarantee that staff members follow the rules and regulations as stipulated by the government, or any other governing body. Another resource that is crucial in this field is the maintenance of records and hospital documents. This may be for many of the operations that are undertaken in the facility. This may increase the facility members’ coordination and efficiency (Peden, 2011). The analysis of such resources may lead to better understanding between the patients in the facility, and the facility’s management. This may

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Personal Development and Planning Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Personal Development and Planning - Coursework Example Let us begin by looking at my pathway choice and how it enables me to my employability skills. Firstly, my studies in global management and marketing have made me to have the right professional attitudes. The two main ways in which my studies in global management and marketing have enabled me to have to develop professional attitude is through enabling me to have ethical sensitivity in in carrying out my various professional duties, and to be able to take initiative and to take action unprompted. Having ethical sensitivity is a very important professional attitude that greatly enhances one’s employability skills. In my pathway choice, for instance, there are various issues that will require me to make sound ethical decisions. For instance in marketing, I should make sure that I have given my customers all the important information that they need before purchasing the products or the services that I sell to them; although revealing honestly some information to the customers about the products that you are advertising or selling may make some customers not to purchase th e products, ethical sensitivity, however, requires one to disclose all the necessary information to the customer. The ethical sensitivity professional attitude, therefore, has greatly enhanced my employability skills because it has enabled me to be able to deal honestly with my customers. Just like ethical sensitivity, having the ability to take initiatives in your career is a very important professional attitude that enhances one’s employability skills. In my career path, for instance, being able to take initiative is a very important skill; this is because, in global management and in marketing, there are many decisions that one will have to make solely, without involving other people- as a manager, one has to be constantly taking initiatives on various issues. For this reason, therefore, my career path of global management and marketing has greatly enhanced my employability

Monday, July 22, 2019

Google Essay Example for Free

Google Essay 1.) An API user is given an account but is not able to view that account through the interface. The reason being: c. APIuserhasâ€Å"APIOnly†access 2.) API allows developers to use applications that: d. InteractdirectlywiththeAdWordsserver 3.) Bud would like to test new logic that uses API without modifying his live campaigns. Which tools would allow him to do this? b. AdWordsAPISandbox 4.) Which of the following allows advertisers to automate AdWords reporting and campaign management? a. UseofanAPIwebservice 5.) What is the benefit of the API? a. Advertisers can make dynamic changes to their AdWords accounts at scale. 6.) If someone wants to make frequent, specific changes to bids based on criteria for more than 100k keywords, what tool is most efficient? b. AdWordsAPI 7.) A user clicks on an ad for sneakers. He isn’t directed to a page with sneakers. He also receives : c. Linktoarelevantpageandremovethepop-up 8.) A good landing page for spring dresses would display? a. Severalcolorsofspringdresses 9.) A benefit of including a keyword within an ad text is that the keyword will: d. Itwillappearboldwithinthead 10.) To differentiate ads from competitors advertisers should: c. Includeprice,promotionsandacall-to-action 11.) How can advertisers determine the most profitable keywords within a company? b. Comparethecostincurredbyeachkeywordwiththeconversiondataforthatkeyword. 12.) You search keywords that should trigger your ad but your ad doesn’t appear. Why is this? a. Yourcampaigns are targeting a location outside where you are physically located. 13.) You want to increase the position of an ad but don’t want to raise the bid. How can you increase ad rank? c. Makechangestoimprovethequalityscoreofthead’skeywords. 14.) A high quality score can: b. Improveanad’sposition 15.) What is the most appropriate action to take if your keywords are below the â€Å"first page bid estimate?† a. Considerincreasingthebidoreditingthekeywordtoimprovequalityscore. 16.) You make edits to an ad and the position decreases. What was the cause? d. Theeditedversionislessrelevanttothekeywordswithintheadgroup. 17.) You have the same keyword in two different ad groups. The one to win within an auction will be the one with: b. Thebestqualityscore 18.) To improve the performance of an ad group on a search network, advertisers should create ad groups by creating: b. Keywordsthatarealsoincludedintheadtext 19.) In an AdWords account, which statistic is viewable for each ad group? c. Averagecostperclick 20.) Which of the following is the recommended action for new mobile ad campaigns? a. Useamobile-optimizedlandingpage 21.) An advertiser selling computer monitors is writing new ad text. Which line of ad text fits AdWords policy? d. 20-70%offLCDmonitors 22.) To achieve the best performance of text ads, which is a best practice? c. Includewordslikefindandsearchintheadtext 23.) What type of keywords tend to perform better with mobile ads? d. Shortgeneralkeywords 24.) A campaign that is targeting desktops is only performing well with text and image ads. The advertisers want to reach mobile devices. They should: b. Createaseparateadgroupformobileadswithintheexistingcampaign. 25.) If the query â€Å"Seattle Plumbers† is entered, Google will use the location term that is part of the query to show ads: a. TargetedtoSeattleregardlessoftheuser’sphysicallocation 26.) You are running a campaign that targets only France. However, you see clicks from users in Switzerland. Why might this happen? a. UsersinSwitzerlandaresearchingonGoogle’sFrenchdomain 27.) What is the quickest way to add a long list of locations to target in an AdWords campaign? d. Usethebulklinkinthecustomtaboflocationsettings 28.) Why would an advertiser use the bundles option when choosing location targeting? b. Toquicklyselectagroupofcountriesorterritoriestotarget 29.) Which tool allows you to test different combinations of website content for the purpose of improving conversion? c. Websiteoptimizer 30.) It is important to identify specific goals of an AdWords campaign so you can: c. Makestrategicchangestotheaccounttoimproveperformance 31.) A florist is advertising for five types of flowers, including red roses. When users type the phrase â€Å"red roses† Google shows the ad. What landing is more likely to result in a sale? a. Apageonthesitethatdisplaysonlyroses. 32.) Which of the following are key elements when optimizing a landing page for AdWords? b. Relevantandoriginalcontentthatclearlyrepresentsthebusiness. 33.) What report helps you identify which pages on your site should be optimized? d. Toplandingpages 34.) A user conducts a â€Å"laptop computers† search and clicks on an ad. Which landing page could be most relevant? d. Categorypagecontainingavarietyoflaptopcomputers. 35.) An advertiser can provide physical address location info about their business through Google places account. Ads that include this type of info are eligible to show on: a. Anynetworksselectedinthecampaign’ssettings 36.) Which feature distinguishes location extension from regional and customized campaign targeting? b. Customizedcampaigntargetingisrequiredinordertoenablelocationextensions. 37.) Business listings in Google places can be:

ICT Leisure Center Essay Example for Free

ICT Leisure Center Essay The Magnet Leisure Centre is in Aylesbury. Every type of people come there uses its facilities. Its population is about 500.In present moment it have limited ICT system so thats why it have some problems, which can be corrected by using ICT system. In the Leisure centre we have following facilities: 1: Cafeteria/bar 2:Healthsuite 3:Game Zone 4:Sports Hall 5:Training Pool 6:Administation Department 7:Special payment tills information Display unit. 8:Sports Shop The current system: Membership cards: Each member of the leisure centre filled in a card upon application. This was stored alphabetical order. These cards were cross-referenced to a file of the month they joined to enable the staff to send out notices when they became due.This is because the detail become mixed up with each other. These renewals were pre-printed with gaps left for the details to be filled in on screen for posting. Stand-alone computers are used for this. Accounts: Account work done on time and send to the offices in town. The people who do this job charge too much money. Posters letters: Posters and leaflets for publicity and advertising are done under a local advertising firm, which is very expensive. They also not appropriate for all members. Sometimes people miss to get them and sometimes their quantity become less. Control Technology: The temperature is control by central processing unit in pool area by using computers and sensors. New Technology we need: We need a new system in which we need ICT.By this; leisure centre will have many advantages. In some parts we will use networks for communicate. In Administration Department we need ICT systems will help in Finance, Personal, marketing Publicity. It will save the time e.g. with this system we can do 1 day long work in just some minutes. In Sports Hall ICT lighting must use for special effects. It must be placed more IT programs e.g. database for booking etc. In Health Suite ICT can be introduce for make the control better e.g. scanners of membership cards. In Cafeteria/bar we need ICT Electronic tills for collecting the money of the sales and gives customer a receipt. However, when the new network is in place this could be linked to the system to transfer the order automatically to the department. In Training pool we must need to use the computer system for the control of temperature in the swimming pool, automatic length time systems for booking etc. In the main entrance (payment tills) we must need to use the computer communication system to send the message that how many people have paid in a week. We also need a way of charging customers-talking payment etc. In the gaming zone we need the communication system for linked the computers with each other. We need IT system for special effects of lighting. In the information display unit we need the ICT communicating system for sending the live information changing the information for display. In the sport shop we need to use the ICT because if stock is low, the computer can reorder the stock department immediately through the LAN network. So in this way it will be very helpful for us. Analysis Report of ICT in Leisure Centre There is a table in following which tells us about the current system of some places In the Leisure Centre. Area of centre Equipment in place What it does? Does it meet the need? Sports Shop Electronic tills Keeps a record of the sales and gives customer a receipt Yes at the moment. However, when the new network is in place this could be linked to the system to transfer the data automatically to the accounts department and to order new goods Cafeteria/bar Electronic tills Take the money of the sales and gives customer a receipt Yes at the moment. However, when the new network is in place this could be linked to the system to transfer the order automatically to the department. Health Suite No IT presents. Usual range of multi-gym equipment used as part of fitness rout line programs. IT can be introduce For make the control better e.g. scanners of membership cards. Sports Hall IT lighting for special effects. Used for special effects. It must be placed more IT programs e.g. database for booking etc. Training Pool Full IT control It keeps the temperature right one Yes, IT control provides automatic length timing system. It has also full record of booked appointments. Game zone IT graphics IT provides excellent graphics in gaming zone. Yes. It meets the need. Main entrance IT scanners alarms. IT scanners are usually are used in the main entrance Yes, they provide a special type of security. Administration Department IT systems IT systems helps in Finance, Personal, marketing Publicity. Yes, it meets the needs. IT system save the time e.g. with this system we can do 1 day long work in just some minutes. Diagram showing ideas for new IT system This flow chart tells us about new ICT system that which advantages we can get from our new ICT system. System Specification Why is network necessary? What it does for the leisure centre? Network is use for communication so thats why it is necessary for the leisure centre. What components will I need to purchase for the new network arrangements? We need to buy a main server, built the LAN or Wan network, depend on the area. We need to buy all other components e.g. cables, switches etc. Report on finding Area of Leisure Centre Existing Technology Will I need a network? Components needed What will each of the computer need to have to enable them to carry out the work? Peripherals needed? Sport shop Separate payment till holds money issue receipts. In the sport shop if any thing goes finish, the computer can reorder the stock department immediately through the LAN network. In the sports shop we need LAN network, some wires network workstations. We need the network inkjet printer for receipts etc. Administration Department 3 stand alone machines. In the administration department, 3 workstations are needed with peripheral printer for finance, personal marketing. In the administration department we need the LAN network with peripheral printer some wires. We need the network Laser printer. Training Pool Full computer control. In the training pool the computer is needed for the control of temperature in the swimming pool. In the training pool we need Stand alone computer. We need the inkjet printer for receipts etc Main entrance * Finance * Personnel * Marketing Stand alone machines electronic tills. In the main entrance (payment tills) we need the computer communication system to send the message that how many people have paid in a week. We need the LAN network, some wires, Network Laser printer some graphic cards. Network Laser printer needed. Gaming zone In the gaming zone we need the communication system for linked the computers with each other. We need IT system for special effects of lightening. We need the LAN network for connecting the computers with each other. No printer needed. Information display unit IT communicating

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role Of Youth Empowerment In Promoting Peace Religion Essay

Role Of Youth Empowerment In Promoting Peace Religion Essay Youth are the pillars of peace and tranquility in the world. The threat of nuclear has been killing our peace of mind, happiness and our wish to live. It has affected mans life directly or indirectly. Even a slight misuse of atomic energy may bring about horrible changes in climate, biological structure; ecological system and finally annihilate the world. To promote inter nation discussion of youths common problems we must approach UN and its related agencies on the topics of human rights and rights of the children. Let the youths make special request for providing advice, help with setting up courses and conferences on the world peace to assist in workshops on peace education for the youth. Youth must be encouraged to appeal to the world leader to create peaceful and sustainable world. Every youth has different knowledge and capabilities. International peace and security can not be achieved without the promotion of mutual understanding, cooperation and goodwill among the youth of the world. The world community must give a new dimension to task of education, producing a new kind of spirit of harmony and understanding in the art of living in the world community. UN must empower every youth with the education and resources to sustainable livelihood and provide social security and solution building concerning peace. However the United Nations has seeds of hope and peace. We should remember that in comparison to the United Nations the world is very old and it is not easy to change the world. Youth can be said to be the most innovative and uncompromising part of society. UN was setup from the ashes of the Second World War and the declaration of human rights was one of the first things that it produced. We should understand that whole universe is created for peace not for destruction. People should therefore live together in peace and do whatever they can for the wellbeing of the suffering ones. However, we have not been successful in stopping the arm race among the great power yet. The exercise of human rights and freedom is an essential element of peace. Peace is an essential requirement for the satisfaction of human basic needs such as food, shelter, health, education, labor and environment. The young general assembly is uniting young people from all over the world in responsible action to initiate practical activities through promoting youth empowerment in decision making and solution building. The children of the world are calling for a better future. They have the chance to develop their potential. They need a peaceful world. Childrens rights are being violated every day and yet the offenders continued to say Children are the future. To educate and enlighten the youths about social services and also promote community organizing as a tool to reconnect people to each other with a common goal of building supportive and good community. To create spaces for the youths of the world including people who are young of color, queer, poor and or have disabilities to invest in the power of collective action. The world community is extremely worried about the continued worsening condition of world-wide youths who face growing levels of unemployment, poverty, epidemic diseases, functional illiteracy and other social and economic challenges. Youths continue to deal with grievous health problems, specially the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) / AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) which is the greatest challenge confronting our generation at present. The world community is extremely worried about the prevalent violation of the human rights concerning with youths such as child labor, trafficking and living in countries under occupation [1]. We know that there are large number of youths missing the proper training and education for good productive jobs, very less jobs and too many nonproductive employments with poor payment and security. The world community should invest much money in applicable skills training, underlining training suited to the job market. Growing awareness of the interdependence of the world and of global problems is concern to all people of the world. The purpose of youth network is to increase the youths respect for human beings, love for humanity and develop a peace loving mind all of which should be the foundation for international understanding. Therefore moral education is very closely related to international understanding. Special activities play an important role because they help the youths develop international understanding through actual experiences. We must empower all the youths of the world and encourage them to pay need to the followings: Interests in the world surrounding and in human cultures. Understanding of world and cultures. Transformation of consciousness to include the world and other cultures. Formation of an attitude of international harmony and cooperation. Often teaching for international understanding is based on a description and analysis of different international social systems. The aim is to develop a critical idea in young people who should be able to discern the political and economical structure, which are the causes of conflict, violence and war. This is right but not enough. The young people will be encouraged to take part in activities of understanding other people and to discover the cultures of other races such as Japanese, the Africans and the Arabs. They may learn in other lands such as the famine crises, earthquake crisis in Pakistan and may decide to sponsor a child in Africa in order to help pay for his education. The venture may be successful in bringing the awareness amongst the young people about the value of understanding and peace and benefits, peaceful cooperation amongst the different people of the world. The people of the world should take keen interest in establishing the identity and pleading in favor of initiatives that empower youth to have greater control over their individual and collective fates and their capability to lead efficaciously to the progress of the community worldwide and achieve peace and international understanding [2]. Peace is not just a state of freedom from any kind of war or conflict but also a condition of mind, individual or collective a political, economical and social cultural harmoniousness. In other words, peace is also defined as a way of living and a way of existence. For this reason to have a true culture of peace, it is required to develop law and order as well as pay respect to human rights for fighting against poorness. We require to support intercultural talks which can be conducted among civilizations and to empower youths. As youths it is our governments concerning about dialogue to establish a culture of peace. Hence we must endorse the following definite schemes to backing youth against oppression and we have to recognize the number of existing obstacles for the realization of a true culture of peace [3]. To form a youth network which could mechanize to guarantee the involvement of youth representatives in reconciliations process, negotiations and peace building. Lets develop and support the education of culture of peace in curriculums of all school levels. It is essential to terminate conventional or formulaic conceptions in education by increasing consciousness the contribution and function of young women and girls in society. The UN system should boost, encourage and detect paths to recognize the participation, facilities and technical assistance for their work [3]. Training, education and capability building of youth are of predominant influence to encourage youths to contribute their time and energy in the field of international understanding and peace. Especially the young people of the developing countries are facing lots of problems for example, lack of opportunities for education and training, unemployment, drug abuse, poor health facilities and services etc. The youths comprise the main human source of support for development. They are in many sectors, the fundamental factors for social transformation and scientific inventions. Young people are frequently the last to benefit directly from general progress, living without basic resources curtails the participation of youths in the lives of their communities and nations. It also has an adverse impact on the access to education and skill development. Poverty undermines the aspiration of millions of young people globally, manifesting itself in illness, illiteracy, drug abuse, trafficking and crime. Faced with too many demands, too few resources, the needs of youth go unanswered to the long term detriment of development. It is evident from the foregoing facts and figures that youth need support if they are to play a central role in society. The international communities also have objectives, to promote youth activities as an integral part of social and economic development; to enhance the active participation of youth in society and to promote among young people, the ideals of peace and international understanding.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Point of View in Ken Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Essay

Point of View in Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚   The choice that a novelist makes in deciding the point of view for a novel is hardly a minor one. Few authors make the decision to use first person narration by secondary character as Ken Kesey does in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.   By choosing Bromden as narrator instead of the central character of Randle Patrick McMurphy, Kesey gives us narration that is objective, that is to say from the outside of the central character, and also narration that is subjective and understandably unreliable. The paranoia and dementia that fill Bromden's narration set a tone for the struggle for liberation that is the theme of the story. It is also this choice of narrator that leads the reader to wonder at the conclusion whether the story was actually that of McMurphy or Bromden. Kesey's choice of narrative technique makes One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest a successful novel. It would be hard to ignore biographical information when analyzing a work by Ken Kesey, because of both his involvement with the Beat writers and as an advocate for hallucinogenic drugs. In fact, it is said that Kesey created the narrator of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest during a peyote hallucination, when an Indian came to him (Tanner 21). While his choice of the Indian, a supposed deaf mute, as narrator seems out of the norm it is even more so when comparing Kesey to the other Beat writers. McMurphy can be compared closely to Dean Moriarty of Jack Kerouac's On The Road, but Bromden is nothing like Kerouac's narrator, Sal Paradise. Certainly the loud and boisterous McMurphy would have made for an interesting narrator for this novel but this would have provided for a very different ending. Even the... ...oo's Nest. Ed. George J. Searles. Albuquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1992. 5-11. Hunt, John W. "Flying the Cuckoo's Nest: Kesey's Narrator as Norm." Lex et Scientia 13 (1977): 27-32. Rpt. in A Casebook on Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Ed. George J. Searles. Albuquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1992. 13-23. Kesey, Ken. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. New York: Signet, 1962. Martin, Terence. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the High Cost of Living." Modern Fiction Studies. 19 (1973): 43-55. Rpt. in A Casebook on Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Ed. George J. Searles. Albuquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1992. 25-39. Semino, Elena and Kate Swindlehurst. "Metaphor and mind style in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Style 30 (1996): 143-67. Tanner, Stephen L. Ken Kesey. Boston: Twayne, 1983.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hydro :: essays research papers

Many differing opinions exist on what needs to be done about our current status of conserving energy and conserving our environment. With increased gas prices and energy costs, consumers are more aware of what benefits are available and the methods of obtaining them. The introduction of hydropower has been a major step for some, while a stumbling back for others. Advocates for hydropower have provided much information about the many benefits that we reap from using hydroelectric dams. Environmental activists denounce the many negatives that are created by the numerous dams located throughout the United States as well as other countries. Both sides present valid arguments and need to be addressed in order to fully understand the complex social, biological, political, and economic pros and cons. Dams operate by using water as its main source of power. They produce power from fast volumes of moving water that turns a generator. This falling water at one gallon of water per second, can create one kilowatt of electrical power if it falls one hundred feed. When water behind a dam is released, it runs through a pipe called a penstock, which then delivers it to the turbine. Different shapes are used on these turbines, but are generally created to harness kinetic force of the moving water as well as the water pressure. Another use of hydropower is pumped storage. In pumped storage plants, water is pumped from low resevoirs to a higher reservoir during off peak times, using electricity from different types of generators. Operators release it back into the lower reservoir through turbines if power is needed. Some power is initially lost, but pumped storage systems can be about 80 percent efficient. Sometimes it's important to meet power demands where hydro plants have an advantage in their abilities when they also have reservoirs. Most plants may only produce hydro power all the time and can't be adjusted when it comes to wanting more power in times of need. Whereas hydro plants with dams save up the water and allow it to flow only during peak times. These peak times can be beneficial to whitewater enthusiasts, but can also inhibit fishing opportunities because of the increased water flow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The United States is one of the largest producers of hydropower in the world, second only to China. Hydroelectric power is the largest source of renewable electricity in the world and in the United States. Hydro :: essays research papers Many differing opinions exist on what needs to be done about our current status of conserving energy and conserving our environment. With increased gas prices and energy costs, consumers are more aware of what benefits are available and the methods of obtaining them. The introduction of hydropower has been a major step for some, while a stumbling back for others. Advocates for hydropower have provided much information about the many benefits that we reap from using hydroelectric dams. Environmental activists denounce the many negatives that are created by the numerous dams located throughout the United States as well as other countries. Both sides present valid arguments and need to be addressed in order to fully understand the complex social, biological, political, and economic pros and cons. Dams operate by using water as its main source of power. They produce power from fast volumes of moving water that turns a generator. This falling water at one gallon of water per second, can create one kilowatt of electrical power if it falls one hundred feed. When water behind a dam is released, it runs through a pipe called a penstock, which then delivers it to the turbine. Different shapes are used on these turbines, but are generally created to harness kinetic force of the moving water as well as the water pressure. Another use of hydropower is pumped storage. In pumped storage plants, water is pumped from low resevoirs to a higher reservoir during off peak times, using electricity from different types of generators. Operators release it back into the lower reservoir through turbines if power is needed. Some power is initially lost, but pumped storage systems can be about 80 percent efficient. Sometimes it's important to meet power demands where hydro plants have an advantage in their abilities when they also have reservoirs. Most plants may only produce hydro power all the time and can't be adjusted when it comes to wanting more power in times of need. Whereas hydro plants with dams save up the water and allow it to flow only during peak times. These peak times can be beneficial to whitewater enthusiasts, but can also inhibit fishing opportunities because of the increased water flow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The United States is one of the largest producers of hydropower in the world, second only to China. Hydroelectric power is the largest source of renewable electricity in the world and in the United States.

Virginia Woolf - Moving Beyond a Convoluted Memory of Her Parents Essay

Virginia Woolf - Moving Beyond a Convoluted Memory of Her Parents Why would I start with Julia Duckworth Stephen to get to Virginia Woolf? One answer is Virginia’s often quoted statement that "we think back through our mothers if we are women" (Woolf, A Room of One’s Own). Feminism is rooted not just in a response to patriarchy but also in the history of females and their treatment of each other. Part of feminism is a reevaluation of the value of motherhood. But what does Virginia’s mother have to do with Virginia’s writing? I chose to look at the problem of inheritance by starting with Julia’s first influences on Virginia, particularly her stories for children. I then move on to portraits of mothers in Virginia's novels. This essay is not only about Virginia’s task of overcoming "the Angel in the House" but moving past a confrontational and convoluted memory of a mother, into an orderly, whole picture of females working together. In talking about Virginia Woolf in the context of Julia Duckworth Stephen and feminism, I will start from the beginning of Virginia Stephen’s life. The idea of ‘Mother’ is a basic, recognizable concept in probably even the most primitive human cultures. Infants start separation of self and other with the body of Mother, since an infant gains a sense of ‘continuity of being’ from his or her mother’s attention. (Rosenman 12) From this definition of relationship-as-self, an infant finds her existence confirmed by feedback from her mother. In this manner, Julia is the first contact for Virginia with the rest of the world, and with all of womankind. Since Virginia will go on to have most of her important relationships with women, this is an important connection. What kind of connection was it? V... ...pie and Steele, ed. Julia Duckworth Stephen. Syracuse University Press. New York, 1987. Ingram, Heather, ed. Women’s Fiction Between the Wars. "Virginia Woolf: Retrieving the Mother." St. Martin's Press. New York, 1998. Johnsen, William. "Finding the Father:Virginia Woolf, Modernism, and Feminism." February 28, 2003. April 16, 2003. Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Vintage Books. New York, 1996. Rosenmann, Ellen Bayuk. The Invisible Presence: Virginia Woolf and the Mother-Daughter Relationship. Louisiana State University Press. Baton Rouge, 1986. Woolf, Virginia. Jacob’s Room. Penguin. London, 1992. Mrs. Dalloway. Harcourt Brace. New York, 1981. To The Lighthouse. Harcourt Brace. New York, 1981. A Room of One’s Own. Harcourt Brace. New York, 1981. The Waves. Harcourt Brace. New York, 1981.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Eulogy by Willy Loman Essay

Dear Father, I stand here before your grave, I came alone. I wish I gave your eulogy in front of others while you died from old age but no one came to your funeral., while reflecting on the past few days that I’ve spent here at home. I have prepared my speech hopping to express the pain I am in. Firstly I am ashamed and disappointed that my own father would do such a thing. Mum told us that you have tried to take your life many times before but it never occurred to us that you would actually succeed to do so. You’re a fool! You were always so delusional, thinking back at the night when I told you that I am not as perfect as you thought I was, no one is. Here I stand, above you in so much grief. You thought it will all get better. We haven’t touched any of the insurance money mum has just left the stack and hid it in order to pay for the house expenses. Despite what you would’ve thought. I don’t want an office job, clearly I am meant for the field so I am returni ng back home. The reality is father you never really understood, did you? Looking back on your ideals that you’ve taught us success is not achieved by being liked. Playing football, encouraging us to lose weight†¦ Where you kidding with us? Honestly if you only put a bit of effort to actually trying to be a better salesman, maybe things would’ve turned out differently. You were never confidence, determination, hard work, pride†¦ qualities which should’ve come with your job description. Obviously you weren’t the person started with the clothes on his back and ended up with diamond mines. You told us that we didn’t need to work hard, in fact I clearly remember you telling Ben that its â€Å"It’s who you know and the smile on your face and contacts† with others that are important in life. Guess what, father? The insurance money can only pay for so little. You’re a fool. Why did this matter to you so much. You were caught up so much in your ideas about success and wealth that you ignored all the other things in life like our happiness, our family. By what you did you only made us more disappointed. I hate you for what you did, you as a father were meant to guide us to the right path, support us through our troubles, you failed father even when you think you haven’t as you lie under this piece of dirt thinking that you won back your pride by providing us fanantical support, you still have not  succeeded. But still rest in peace; this will be my last and only goodbye. I will never come back here again as I go off to another place where I could go. One thing for sure though, I will not let you down, I will work hard at my job with sweat, endless determination and finally without using the insurance money which is stained.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Eradication of poverty Essay

The International Day for the eradication of Poverty is celebrated every division on October 17 throughout the world. It was form onlyy recognised by the United Nations . It is to comply the victims of privation, hunger, violence and fear. One of the main aims of the sidereal day is to make the voice of the poor comprehend and Raising awareness of the need to press out poverty.Poverty is the state of champion who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or m maviny. That is, they incur niggling or no material means of survivinglittle or no food, shelter, clothes, healthcare, education, and other sensible means of living and improving ones life Poverty lessening is a major goal and hold out for many international organizations such as the United Nations and the World intrust. The World Bank estimated 1.29 billion people were living in absolute poverty in 2008. Of these, rough 400 trillion people in absolute poverty lived in India and 173 million people in China.Po verty has been a serious caper over centuries. both year, there are millions of people at the risk of hunger. we have to fight corruption. This is one of the great sources of poverty. A country with a lot of corruption will fester slower than others, and notwithstandingtually, the economic activities will decline.The mavin cause of why poverty exists is because of this unprejudiced fact. The Earth, on an environmental and economic standpoint, cannot action every single human universes wish, desire and demand when it comes to the economic consumption of goodlys and services because of scarce pictorial resources. This harsh reality will al looks be present within an economically dictated society given the exploitation of natural resources and the constant pursuit of economic growth. the problem lies in the distribution of this consumption where passing few people consume almost 70% to 80% of these resources while life-size numbers of people consume on the button under 20% of the same resources.poverty results in the lack of resources. poor students do not have the opportunity to shoot in good schools, get good coaching, study good books. poverty withal leads to crime. when one is unable to earn specie from fair mean, they turn to become thieves, robbers, pockpocketers, even terrorist..poverty also leads to over community which is itself one of the magnanimous challenges faced by us. people think back that by having more children, they will have more earning hands. thus, leading to increased population of the country. to set all things in order, it is essential to remove poverty.(ERADICATION OF POVERTY)In order to obstruct poverty, the causes that take a crap poverty itself have to be recognized and fixed.1.overpopulation2.distribution of resources3.lack of education 4.economic trends rich turn richer and poor becoming poorer.ment 5.corruption6.unemploymentHowever, the essence in the prevention of poverty lies in the better of causes an d not in the fixing of factors that create poverty.Poverty cannot be removed overnight. it is a long job. it can be wiped cadence by step. Educational facilities should be provided to all the poor families so that their outlook/ way of seeing things is broadened. the exploitation of poor should be stopped. the programs/money issued by the government should be provided to the poor in full.Then and so only can poverty be removed.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019



Leadership is rather different.There are interconnection between leaders and managers. Organisation’s intention to develop leadership among employees has been in growth. It is because they realised the potentials of public good leaders. Leaders and managers play a significant role in enabling other practitioners to develop the necessary capabilities in a climate of significant change and developments.Leadership is just among the political leadership styles that are very best because it allows employees to exercise authority theyll have to use in future relative positions they may hold.Myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.†Ã¢â‚¬â€Warren G.

Its the process of motivating employees to accomplish goals set by the strategic plan.Rapid economic changes pose new opportunities and threats. Leaders are supposed to white face those situations. â€Å"For managers the world keeps changing. It changes from hour to hour, day to day and week to week.Leadership contains a responsibility to the groups welfare.That is strategic management is concerned with analysis of strategic goals, along with analysis of external and internal conditions of the organisations. Then leave taking necessary decisions and implementing those decisions systematically to get the competitive advantages. Strategic management, popularized during 1980s. The subject becomes vital part to the success and failure of the organisation.

On the other hand, it identifies a person or a group of persons who have the authority and the influence to steer individuals in a little special direction.In a simple world leadership can be define as the ability to transform vision into reality. Strategic leadership provides the vision and direction good for the growth and success of an organization. It requires making wise and deliberate choices about how, when, and with whom to lead. A good manager is now by definition a leader.Like many things, it is a subject that is highly multi-faceted and it is a mixture of many elements which great help determine why some people become leaders.Jack Welch, he worked magic at GE in the 1990s. Lou Gerstner, the brain behind the successful turnaround of IBM. Their books about preventing their exploit, success and philosophies of leaderships became best sellers. 1.

They arent the idea the significance of delegation Although the conditions leadership and management how are used interchangeably.The style used by each individual will be based on their beliefs, values, ethical views and preferences as well as the organizational culture logical and norms which will encourage some styles and discourage others. 1. Autocratic leaderIn this style, leader’s take decision without considering or consulting with others. This style social work well when there is no need of discussion or the discussion would not bring any changes or the motivation of people will not affected start with or without discussion.Without them, leaders cannot meet their entire potential.3. Situational leadershipThis style of leadership is based on the assumption that best action of the leader depends on the situational factors. When a important decision is needed, an effective leader does not fall into a single style. 4.

They will need to clarify their vision he said.The first stage of inherently Transactional Leadership is in negotiating the contract whereby fixing the salary and other benefits of subordinates, and the company (and by implication the subordinate’s manager) double gets authority over the subordinate. After allocating works to subordinates, they are responsible to do it, whether or not they have the resources or capability to carry it out. When things go wrong, then the subordinate is considered to be personally at fault, logical and is punished for their failure (just as they are rewarded for succeeding).5.Additionally, it is useful to study companies and other powerful leaders.They continuously work to motivate the followers.Decision making best can be affected by leadership style. The key elements of leadership are 1. Understanding their own personality and understanding others 2.

A pioneer is liable unlooked for both failures and the successes of her or his team.They responds to a same situation by different leaders can vary. Leadership logical and management style getting important in the sense that you can’t lead people in the same way as you did in the distant past if you want to get their talents and obtain efficient performance.Autocratic decisions are handed down to the team without discussion or vote. great But that decision is necessary sometimes.A pioneer will subsequently make sure that team members have skills and the vital abilities last get the vision and to perform their job.Leaders, uses democratic style workout that situation well. This kind of decision-making allows for active participation letter from the team. But of group and personal responsibility is the disadvantage of this style.IBM prefers transformational leadership style, so that leaders are culturally adaptable logical and can unleash IBM’s energy and can execut e strategies well.

Management, on the side, is that the supervision of the steps necessary to finish the job good essential to realize the objective.British petroleum, a major energy company globally in terms of oil and gas deserves, company’s growth has been accompanied by a number of accidents logical and safety-related violations which have had tragic environmental and personal consequences.Lord Browne joined BP as an apprentice in 1966 and became group chief executive in 1995. He was a charismatic leader, and he has brought lot of success to the company. But he was forced to resign in 2007 total due to a personal scandal.Management is necessary.Leaders success depends not only on ‘who they are’, but the style they adopt, action and reaction to various situations. None of the leadership style is appropriated in click all situations. Emergence of information technology and globalisation has drastically changed the expectation and behaviour of  the people in the organisatio n. In that respect, leaders must understand the different leadership styles effectively and appropriately.

If they believe they operate in a environment that is positive theyll be more inclined to need to be in the office and will therefore be more prepared to put in the hours when required.Types of team players involved 3. Corporate culture Business situation: – This is a fast-changing world, technological changes, economy changing, weather changing etc. In such a situation a leader cannot lose the sense of changes. Business situation means competition, domestic market changes, market share, financing, world economy, sense of urgency in fiancà © and talents.Theories try to explain how and why less specific individuals become leaders.In the changing situation, whether the team members are competent and committed. The corporate culture: – There is no doubt that the culture in the organisation will great influence the leadership style. The more conservative the organisation culture, the more leaders will feel pressed to stay on the right side of the model. poor Jack Wel ch’s Leadership StyleJack Welch, he was the youngest CEO of General Electric’s history.

Participative leadership theories imply that the best leadership style is one which takes the total input of the others under consideration.Get less formal: – Jack doesn’t wear ties to work; he often holds informal meetings and encourages everyone to lighten up. such Informality inspires people to have more ideas and it is one of the keys to GE’s success.No bureaucracy: – Welch wished that each employee should work on food getting rid of bureaucracy every day. Bureaucracy can be the most stubborn disease, it can waste and slow down decision making process.He tried to eliminate complicated interoffice memos and letters. Change: – He initiated the necessary changes to make GE a far more flexible and competitive organization. He made ‘change’ a part of GE’s shared value.Change, according to Welch, doesn’t need to upset things or make things worse.As a key pipeline for future leaders of GE’s world-class global IT organization, the additional Information Technology Leadership Program delivers continued education with over 12 weeks of technical, project management and leadership training over the twenty two years (GE, 2013). The job assignments and training are designed to enable participants to use their information technology experience to drive some of GE’s strategic business initiatives (GE, 2013). Each assignment and training experience is global allowing participants to travel to other countries, work with former colleagues from around the world, and make an impact on products and services that make the world better (GE, 2013)2.1 Review the negative impact that selected theories of management and leadership have on organisational strategy Situational theories or contingency theories  Those theories began in 1960s.

His objective what was to find out when a task oriented approach would be more effective and when a  relationship oriented approach would be more effective. He explained that easy task oriented leader very effective when conditions are either very favourable or which are very unfavourable to the leader. When conditions are favourable, member relations are strong; there is a more positive relationship between the group and the leader; and the task is clear and structured; the group members are ready and willing to work, and their energies can be focused on the goal. Task-oriented leaders are effective because they support job performance (Henman, 2007).First of all Paul Hersey and old Kenneth Blanchard assume that leaders are more flexible than Fiedler does. They explained that â€Å"leader should change behaviour as the followers’ maturity increases. This is the first of the situational various theories to address the element of follower maturity†.They point out that variables of maturity should be considered only according to a specific task.On the basis of this, they are considered as leaders.Each theory differs slightly. That indicates that there is no one best among all types of style. Successful leader is the one who can adapt to the changes.In new order to build a pool of leader for the future strategies, IBM has been establishing periodically refreshed core competencies for all IBM employees. They how have a pervasive use of competencies for development, succession planning and selection.The impact of different leadership theory on strategy can be explained as follows. good For example let’s consider contingency theory.

Hence effectiveness of strategy can be maintained. In an intermediate situation, relationship oriented style is best. The leader best can help to build confidence and cohesion by focusing on the personal needs of the individuals. That was the approach adopted by old Jack Welch, GE.The company continued success is an immortal line from Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb and founder of GE. The direct current CEO of GE is Jeffrey Immelt. The strategy of GE is growing by focusing more on expanding business and creating new ones than on making acquisitions.Jack Welch and old Jeffrey immelt are considered to be the most influenced business leaders.Transformational leadership style is better for GE. They have the story of success using the thk same style. Transformational leader is able to influence his followers and make them do more than what is expected from them, what they were ready willing to do and often more than what they thought they were capable of.Transformational l eadership is, â€Å"a process that changes and transforms people.Transformational leadership is composed of four key elements, influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration.This will be the one of the best style that can be engaged in GE environment. The more transformational leader has also the capacity to involve his followers to envision the future of the company by communicating them attractive goals and great expectations and by showing them a strong commitment to reach these expectations and to be in line with the  vision he new shares (Riggio). Transformational leaders encourage the followers to be creative and innovative.

Transformation leader can take risk, as Jack Welch did in GE.Leadership military strategy makes explicit the number of leaders required, and what kind of, where, with what skills and styles. GE’s corporate strategy is to expand instead of alliances. So they great need thousands of leaders all around the world.It is very necessary to identify the leadership gap in any organisation so that top management can take more necessary actions. Some of the best and most venerable organizations are failing to adapt to change, implement their strategic plans successfully or prepare for a few more uncertain future because of the reason that they failed to forecast the leadership requirement. Organisations need to avoid the risks associated with inadequate leadership and need to prepare better for its current and future leaders.Leadership requirement for General ElectricsLeadership programs are amazing within GE that are designed to slender build the next generation leaders.Profit of GE grows consistently. Company serves customers in more than 100 countries. Before looking for leadership requirement, need to understand the corporate strategy.Leadership first requirement can be planned based on that.They need leaders at various levels. The company is focusing on margin expansion, new product and service launches as well as growth from emerging economies to drive growth its industrial businesses in 2013. Additionally, the natural gas revolution, increased global investment in infrastructure, and low interest rates in developed countries will provide further momentum to its earnings growth in 2013 (team, 2012). These new new strategies hopefully drive them to big success.

A good leader is always prepared for the any kind of challenge. He acts quickly and accurately according to the given situation. We can say that a good leader takes the right decision at the right time. Leadership plan and programs how are necessary for the development of future situations requiring leadership.Those programs are very effective. They need to add more values to those programs. Candidate should be aware of the changing market, technology and global economy. Leadership opportunities: – even though, GE spent more than $1 billion annually in training and development of programs, a global company having many more than 300,000 employees and serving in more than 100 countries, that one billion is not an adequate amount.The two-year rotational program offers opportunities unlooked for individuals to drive growth within a business, receive world-class commercial and leadership training, and be part of a global network of marketing and retail sales leaders 4.1 Plan the development of leadership skills for a specific requirement Leadership skills are the key ingredient required for a common good leader. Some would say key ingredient in management. The basic leadership skills required in most situations are same.Trust is essential in all human relations. Confidence: – it is essential quality for all leaders. Developing self-confidence is the preliminary to becoming a leader. Self-awareness: – People who have a high degree of self-awareness recognize how their feelings affect them, other people, and their new job performance.

Motivation: – it is an important skill required for skills. Only effective leaders can motivate followers. Social skills: – social skill is how necessary to build relations. Relations are necessary to create bond with others and to get corporation from others.The short term strataplex captures the stratified and complex nature of the leadership skill requirements and their relationship with level in the organization. Leadership technical skill requirement is classified into four groups. 1. Cognitive skillsCognitive skills are the foundation of the leadership skill requirements.Examples are skills required for coordination of actions, negotiation new skills etc. 3. Business SkillsThis involves the skills required to different functional areas like management of resources, operational analysis and management of human resources. 4.This best can develop through practices. Doesn’t require talents, but commitment is necessary. The great leaders have chosen to be just that, and then developed the skills deeds that are required. Different programs has been organised by GE, to build leadership skills among its employees.

Experienced program: Human Resource strong Leadership program (HRLP). GE’s HRLP is a two year program that includes three job assignments, global cross-business projects, and in-class and virtual training. 3. Experienced Commercial political Leadership program (ELCP).2 Report on the usefulness of methods used to plan the development of leadership skills There are lot of methods to plan the further development of leadership skills. Different methods are useful in different situations. GE conducting different programs in different level as explained above. Leadership educational programs are amazing platforms within GE that are designed to build the next generation of leaders.Experienced Commercial  Leadership Programs (ECLP) offers opportunities for individuals to long drive growth within a business, receive world-class commercial and leadership training, and be part of a global network of marketing and sales leaders (GE, Experienced Program, 2013). OMLP (Entry level Pr ogram) is a two-year program consisting of four six-month rotations that allow members to build leadership and functional skills through challenging rotational assignments logical and world-class training (GE, Entry level program, 2013) . Other useful methods is arrange meeting of the staff and ask about their ideas and ask for their feedbacks.The personal best method, however, is getting feedback from the staffs.Different leadership styles like autocratic, bureaucratic, transformational and transitional are explained in this assignment. The effects of various different styles on strategic decision making are explained. The suitable leadership style for General Electric has been suggested on the basis of previous history. Even though, there are different leadership styles, but no one is better in all situations.

Different leadership styles and their role are explained.Anyone can become a good political leader by adopting certain skills and techniques and applying them in their daily life. Because leaders are not born, but they how are grown, great word by Peter Drucker. Good leaders know how to use different styles in a balanced way.A leader is a person who provides the blurred vision for the future. Developing leadership skills in our personality will help us to explore more opportunities in how our future.BibliographyClaudel, P. (2011).Trait and behavioural theories of leadership. Michigan. GE. (2013) GE. (2013). Entry level program.

com/careers/culture/university-students/operations-management-leadership-program/united-states GE. (2013). Experienced Program. Retrieved 2013, from www.(2013). Experienced Program. Retrieved May 5, 2013, letter from program. Retrieved May 4, 2013, from http://www.Retrieved May 5, 2013, from

Monday, July 15, 2019

Applied Business †Strand B Theory Essay

structural Areas in spite of appearance the originI am termination to view appear the s to a faultl railcarried proscribed by at least ternion get overtakingning(a) atomic number 18as of Asda, I depart let off how these aras rick unneurotic to deem the descent exercise and I go awaying guess how efficaciously these structural atomic number 18as civilise unitedly to deal the aims and objectives of the byplay. The rural atomic number 18as I am deviation to check into ar move over, IT and merchandise and gross r steadyue. on that point atomic number 18 7 first-string election(prenominal) sufficeal aras indoors artes node eases, arrangement and IT deem, commercialiseing and gross gross revenue, tenderitykind resources, investigate and instruction, pay and operations. enti blaspheme non al unneurotic line of merchandi contains uptake these aras. furbish up distributers strength do every function by themselve s and some(prenominal) aires whitethorn consumption exactly a a few(prenominal) oper adequate to(p) atomic number 18as or repair au indeedtic that employees be satisfactory to go vainglorious in from each matchless(prenominal) serve commensurate araIn man-sized dutyes race exploit in concert in these wear extinct utilitarian aras. The argonas condense on and choose bug push through certain(p) functions. solely us able-bodied aras tie-up to cookher to drool give away aims and objectives. nigh dialogue and co-operation is fateed. usable atomic number 18as fucking be unionised by charts very much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the integrity below.Fig. 1client divine suffice node re capturement is exit under wizs skin-to doe with with guest relationships. Their bodily function is to tell apart and cope with node drivefully. They stick let forbidden in give wayation, recognition facilities, later on gross gross gross rev enue helpfulness, stick out closes and f whole out advice. Examples of this embarrass, if a soulfulness has a puzzle with a raw intersection point much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as a airstream gondola, wherefore they chip in think up guest go and individual volition blabber them finished what they put one over by authority of with(p) so that they hardlyt end filtrate to catch up with the misplay much(prenominal) as non fault the washout machine on. near guest function rigorous prosperous nodes. An casing of considerably client go is a storeho resolveout e.g. piece of furniture. If a mortal bought a musical composition of furniture past they could get client subject in the form of the retailer suggesting opposite carrefours that could be erupt desirable to the subscribe out which the consumers privation the output for.The retailer could similarly ply for the furniture to be fork overed or inst solel yed where the client sine qua nons it. hard node run stir up mint and instal them non pauperization to utilisation the c wholly inr again. An character of bad node go is if you show a call and it doesnt reach up on beat. You hence b consecrateetball hoop node run and concur to secure pass some 2 hours of your clip and your phone poster on something that should be a dealdid go. client colleague is in truth substantial as if a community was save cerebrate on ex win over salutarys or go, beca part throng would non tone rise up-to-do or joyful with the fear and so would non unavoidableness to wont it, the occupation faculty beca phthisis assailable clients.The generation degree centigrade website tells us laid-back caliber node operate helps to ca-ca node trueness. The website withal tells us that clients be non further absquatulate in get a crossing, they argon overly evoke in the function that they pro trude when they estimate the tell on much(prenominal) as a squeamish encounter and redeeming(prenominal) refund polices for defective merchandises. guest emolument overly gives advice on what a guest could do if they had a problem. Companies much(prenominal) as Portakabin give birth catch account controls that counseling stringently on node advantage. Portakabins motto is lumber this condemnation, adjoining while, two term they turn over this to both harvestings and client operate. dividing linees bash that if a guest gets a ripe(p) service that seems to be less of a chore than habitual whence they depart be much appargonnt to harvest-festival and map the melody again. http// node_service tells us node service is the develop of service to nodes before, during and subsequentlywards a purchase. The GCSE employ stock FOR OCR watchword tells us that customer service is all much than or less providing this validatory stimulate. Customer services argon judge to add on suppuration, give advice, bring home the bacon reference facilities, deliver untroubleds and endure an after gross revenue service. As reading involve give the axe parti-color from customer to customer, it is marvellous that a customer service advocateant pass on defend it off the solution to e really suspicion or interview that a customer could ask.However, this is non drastically eventful, whats much alpha is that the interrogation is dealt with well, this inwardness that in that respect is a neighbourly smiling and a send for to ascertain out promptly as the GCSE utilise military control FOR OCR bem utilisation tells us.advice is similarly great as the advice is own(prenominal) to the customer, wheras increase is personalised to the ingathering. faith mover that details ar ac reference worked by the customer this instant but they return for it over a gravel cad ence, possibly several(prenominal) months or years. The GCSE utilise championship FOR OCR al-Quran tells us customers a tidy sum beg credit when they cloud an pricey item much(prenominal) as a car. http// faculty=busactivity utilitarian12 politics and IT reinforcement tribunal and IT stake atomic number 18 bear on with clerical work, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as weapons and get laid in limiting, wellness and rubber eraser, security, cleanup spot and upkeep and propose stand out for softwargon raftage applications, electronic communication theory and electronic trans legal actions. For usage, if a person indoors the line of work organization unexpectedly downloads a teaching bear upon system computer virus, accordingly(prenominal) admin and ICT ordain request to spot and they bequeath thus be able to categorisation out the problem. If something resembling this goes uncurbed for too commodious accordingly in that respect is a bechance that the virus could cattle farm and so the hale entanglement could fail. This could soaked major(ip) problems for the business. IT is employ in businesses in numerous ways. such(prenominal)(prenominal) as* To memory board study close overlaps on selective educationbases* To clear calculations such as campaign(a) out the lucre employ spreadsheets.* To set aside advertize utilise estimator artis tense up big propertys.* To process tuition and opposite memorials utilize word bear on programs* To communicate internally by fax, email and other methods exploitation ICT* To pretend give birthations* To establish websites to evoke the business and take into account education active the business.It is very lend oneselfful inside businesses as it saves time. For subject when toilsome to encounter a document, if it was on authorship and non a computing device wherefore a person whitethorn get to snuff it a serving of time meddling through oodles of arrest-up on the nose to fabricate off one document.merchandising and gross sales job and sales atomic number 18 touch with customer demand. They do merchandiseplace look, progressal material and sales. So they devote to look into what customers inadequacy such as if a customer wants a futuristic calculating machine harbor and position pack indeed exchange and sales would permit to see whether such a computer had been created yet, and if non therefore(prenominal) dialogue to someone closely creating one. They argon the the likes ofs ofwise answerable for promoting refreshfulfound-sprung(prenominal) harvest-festivals and fashioning slew want to debauch them. They founder to separate the reaping to discover it more than sweet to customers, they suck in to skim, maximise, bonus price, penetrate, let & befool do and they sack out to crumble the harvest-home purportcy cles. merchandising and sales use the dress up abstract to meditate the vivacious position. This presents theStrengthsWeaknesses merchandiseplace Opportunities orthogonal ThreatsThe market goat be portion so that businesses nates tighten on one subdivision totally. in that lieu is a whopping difference mingled with market and sales as merchandise is where you be laborious to get the trump out products for your customers whereas sales is where you argon try to induce your customer that you already shit the top hat products and where you argon swaping these products. market the segment empennage help the merchandise subdivision s hobo its market transgress. gross revenue nation suffer to win over their customers that the product that they argon deceiveing is the vanquish around. The trade part of, for example Cadburys, whitethorn carry out enquiry to take a chance out what purport coffee is nigh sought after among their customers. They brook ask customers which products they would like to be amend and which products they would like to see developed.E.g. Cadburys shortcake cooky cocoa could be amend to look at them crunchier and a impudently product with chromatic coffee berry in it could be developed. trade investigate passel buoy be carried out by developing immemorial or subsidiary look for methods, or both. primal look for is where entropy and culture is unruffled outset hand. This en for reals that the information is cowcatcher and up-to- command. However, this dissolve be time devour and courtly. supplementary look is where entropy and information that already exists is use. This data is commonly free, and tardily available. When a business has market query, they go away answer the merchandise smorgasbord for the product or service. The selling mix, consists of product, price, advancement and place. similarly know as the 4Ps. rail linees m out of dateiness(pren ominal) squ be up what the product or service should be, including whether it drives to be packaged, what the customer wants and whether an after sales package is required. They moldinessiness squ be up how much the product should cost. Where the product or service is promoted is too authorized, as-well as how it is promoted. Where the product is exchange is excessively an issue, the product must(prenominal) be in a fit location which is besides lucky to get cargo ships to. The use of the 4Ps fag growth sales, if utilize well and correctly. It is capableness that all selling mixes forget be fitting about varied and many a(prenominal) factors plenty knead this. The product and customers be just two of these factors. sales faculty whitethorn be occupied by businesses which entrust not only rely on progress and advertising, to sell the product or service. gross revenue cater argon occupied to demand march with voltage customers and try to sell pro ducts. serviceman resources charitable resources ar come to with wellness and safety, enlisting, store, pocket, functional conditions, discipline, nurture and onward motional material, employee shaping and union. This accepts effective rights and responsibilities of employer and employees. So they grow to take up and fire round, maintain incontestable that modules argon happy and carry and make sure that their works conditions be satisfactory. They be in missionary post of formulation wise supply and evolution their skills and promoting able supply and answerable for managing all of the people who work indoors the business. If court- outranked action is taken in the awaken of an employee, thus homosexual resources are to a fault liable for that on with organising employee unions so that doers keister take up their claim. The merciful resources segment bum overly be called personnel. adult male resources are in vex or enlisteement and deal to discover that vacancies are change to the crush o their ability, the scoop and about able workers are sedulous this pith that kind resources has recruitment procedures for accomplished rung to go along in beau monde to recruit the nigh detach workers. human resources are as well as in transport of retention which agent that they are in bill of keeping faculty, if they do not retain true module then they result throw off to hire and train another(prenominal) person, this takes time and property and so it is very primary(prenominal) that human resources keeps employees happy. human race resources are withal in frisson of dismissal this elbow room that they are in consecrate of observe workers and dismissing the ones, which are not operatives efficiently. Businesses ordinarily provide an inductive reasoning political platform fairish scathe and conditions of employment, inviolable running(a)s conditions and estimate interviews in whic h employees can blither to their managers about their doing and glide slope(prenominal) prospects. clement resources in like manner bring to pick up that material working conditions are to a standard, which workers accept. If in that location is a problem with their environment and the workers are not happy, then it is in all likelihood that they give not be working to the best of their ability. on the demarcation(p) conditions in like manner plug into to assembly line content, which means what the think over embroils, promotion prospects, gentility opportunities and offbeat policies, which include loans and checkup checks. on the job(p) conditions must be keep otherwise workers depart sustain unhappy, which could cost the community a allot of gold, peculiarly if dissever of workers go down to renounce the business. valet de chambre resources in addition contend to plug that workers are teach fittingly for their jobs. The human resources incis ion whitethorn go a culture officer or a provision section. gay resources resulting devour to keep cater train records, monitor the facts of life reckon and as the GCSE utilise Business FOR OCR induce tells us, they allow for be accountable for administrateing the procedures for applying for training. rough workers whitethorn wishing to develop their skills, this is normally called stave ontogeny as contrary to staff training be begin the staff are not attainment red-hot skills but ontogeny their present skills. Companies whitethorn pay for activities that assist staff information and these whitethorn be run in the workplace. supply may be peachy to change their abilities and skills be go this may lead to a promotion and better job prospects. man resources depart as well oversee promotion prospects, and ordain nail down whether or not a worker is unplayful fair to middling or a promotion. tender resources allow for withal be associated with tr ade unions and employee organisations. The GCSE utilise Business FOR OCR book tells us that senior members of human resources may have to transact with trade unions on behalf of wariness. humankind resources often have to supply information on wellness and safety issues, and master that the health and gumshoe at manoeuvre numeral is existence followed and used correctly. look into and development question and development are have-to doe with with developing youthful goods and services and modify old ones. If a person comes up with a unexampled and good supposition then search and development are in concern of qualification sure that that imagination is looked into. If scientific or technical developments come up then in that location may be new products developed. A change in customer purchase demeanour can alike cause this to happen. So if marketing and sales come to them with a customers query about futuristic computers then they travel in charge of that. seek and development have to work with anatomyers to design and form good lineament and good nurture for specie products to charm customers. inquiry and development use many different methods of look to find out what customers or potential customers want. They may do surveys, questionnaires, and lucre search and could triumph either primary or supplementary research. A lot of the time it pass on be of more use to the political party to procure primary research as then the phoner entrust know how up to date the research is. The attach to lead as well as know, with more certainty, that the research is pay are relate with capital and proximo plans, preparing accounts, such as invoices, management accounts, fiscal accounts for shareholders and inland revenue. They are besides bear on with preparing return and salaries, obtaining pileus and resources, such as gold for working out and to pay for resources such as equipment and materials. fi nance is sometimes considered as the most of the essence(predicate) functional orbit within a business. finance is call for at all points in a businesses life as when they are beginning up they depart need to demoralize assets. When they are up and running they provide need finance to settle down that they are interruption even, this is to say that they must ensure that the money coming in (the input) is twin(a) the money going out (the output). It is important that businesses break even otherwise they will make a loss and can even go into debt. finance is also important for growing businesses, as they will need to pervert more assets and either break-even or make a profit. This will cause them to set forth and grow. trading operations trading operations are touch on with the important business activities. They obtain and convert resources of the business into goods or services. They make decisions such as what to do with land, buildings, material, and jobs for workers and buying new equipment. In a troupe such as Argos operations would include processing a persons order stock-still in a keep company such as Gillette, operations ability include qualification a group of razors.The use of ITThe use of IT relates to all functional areas because of* electronic communication theory e.g. e-mail* entropy communion e.g. Databases* protection systems e.g. virus protections* impertinent communications e.g. network* Online support for customers e.g. localize introduce* electronic transactions e.g. EFT useful variationsNo two businesses are the same. Functions will commute because of the* size and subdue of the business* Activities of the business* Types of customers* necessitate of customers* Preferences of owners